Wade Hopkins has been on staff with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for 28 years. He has been blessed to have served FCA as an Area Rep, Area Director, Multi-Area Director and as one of FCA’s Vice Presidents of Field Ministry. Currently, Wade is serving as the Area Director of Inner City Houston. Growing up without a dad, he knows first-hand what so many young people face on a daily basis. Just like many youth, Wade grew up playing sports, believing it would be his ticket out of the neighborhood. He went on to play college and professional football.
Wade has been married thirty years and has three adult daughters and one son-in-law! Wade understands a person is shaped by their past, but it doesn’t have to dictate their future! Wade believes you can’t win a championship with a losing record at home. His three girls did not have to grow up in a fatherless home. He is passionate about Building Men, Strengthening Marriages and Serving Families. He knows it all starts with the men, and it’s all about IDENTITY, MANHOOD and AFFIRMATION.