If one word were chosen to describe Rick it would be "encourager". Through times of serious illness and God's plan seeming to veer from the course Rick thought it would take, he learned, was sustained, upheld, provided for, and was himself encouraged, emerging with a unique desire and ability to encourage others in their walk with the Lord Jesus.
From the time of his work with children and youth in the 1980's to traveling with Senior Citizens around the world, thru Pastorates and representing The Burlsworth Foundation at schools and men and women's prisons, it has been and remains joy overflowing to see fruit from the lives of people encouraged to plant and water for the Lord's kingdom, and to trust the Lord for and experience God giving the increase of a bountiful harvest.
With the 2016 premier of the movie "Greater", various avenues of ministry have opened for Rick to tell the story of his relationship with Brandon as his youth pastor in Brandon's early teen years and Rick's ongoing relationship with the Burlsworth family. Truly, "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world", and "we can do all things through Christ's strength".
Whether Rick is meeting one on one or speaking to a large, or small, audience, he seeks the Lord to present His word for that place, that moment in time. Rick appreciates the privilege to be called to coach, or mentor, whatever name put on it, to encourage those that the Lord brings into his path in their fruit filled walk with the Lord.