Darryl Colbert is a native of Washington DC. In 2003 he created the Lillian S. Jones Youth Foundation, named after his inspiring grandmother, to make a difference in the lives of DC children. He mentored students at Ruth K. Webb Elementary School in Washington DC’s Trinidad neighborhood, organizing incentive programs, expanding horizons through field trips, and building enduring relationships. He personally tutored children weekly for three years. He is also the Character Coach for the University of Maryland's Wrestling team and has been for eight years and a FCA "One way 2 play" Drug Free speaker.
He was also a Chaplain at the 2012 London Olympics where he shared the stage at an event with the Olympian of the Century, Carl Lewis. He as traveled the country speaking to students, professional athletes and college athletes. He has also spoke to students, athletes and coaches in other countries including South Korea, Africa and London. He has mentored several athletes and coaches over the years. He has also been a keynote speaker at several events and fundraisers.
He has competed in endurance events, such as triathlons, sprint to Ironman distances,100-mile charity bike rides, and running distances from a 5K to a marathon.